The 23rd annual conference “Environmental Economics, Policy and International Relations”
University of Economics and Business, Prague
25-26 November 2021
The Conference provides a conducive environment for a comprehensive exchange of ideas and discussion on new theoretical or/and empirical research papers in environmental economics and policy including energy issues, climate change, sustainable tourism, circular economy, bio-economy, water management, and international environmental relations. We welcome submissions based on novel quantitative/econometric techniques (works with original and extensive datasets) and papers applying qualitative research methods. Papers explicitly outlining policy implications are encouraged. Doctoral (post-graduate) students and young researchers are particularly encouraged to submit their papers. Accepted extended abstracts (3-4 pages) will be published in a book of extended abstracts and which will be distributed at the conference).
Following key issues are of particular interest of this conference:
- energy and climate change economic modeling,
- energy policy and politics,
- environmental, economic, social, health and political aspects of sustainable tourism,
- international environmental relations, including environmental aspects of international trade,
- water economics and policy,
- market and non-market valuation of environmental goods and services.
If you are interested in participation on the Conference as a speaker, please follow the instruction in “Call for Abstracts” below.
UPDATE: Registration form is available on