INNOVATUR – Innovating Academic Curricula and Engagement Approach to Sustainable and Smart Tourism Development (SSmTD)

EEA & Norway Grants – Institutional Cooperation Programme

Application number: EHP-CZ-ICP-4-034

funded under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Start: August 2022
End: January 2024




The INNOVATUR project was undertaken between August 1, 2022, and January 31, 2024, and is now concluded.

The project, fostered by the Prague University of Economics and Business (PUEB) and the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), aimed to:

  • Enhance teaching skills of academic staff through innovative teaching methodologies and tools in sustainable and smart tourism.
  • Improve the learning outcomes of undergraduate students in sustainable and smart tourism by including new thematic areas in the curricula, relevant to both teachers and external stakeholders.
  • Enhance engagement and collaboration between higher education institutions and external stakeholders in the tourism sector to improve the employability skills of students as future proactive citizens with a sustainable entrepreneur mindset.

The objectives were achieved through the following intellectual outputs supported by peer-learning activities:

  • A sourcebook for academic staff to improve educational curricula, teaching approaches, and learning outcomes in sustainable and smart tourism.
  • A textbook on the introduction to sustainable and smart tourism for undegraduate students in higher education.
  • A book of teaching case studies in sustainable and smart tourism to be used for undergraduate and graduate level of higher education.
  • An analysis of the collaborative approach between higher education institutions in the Czech Republic and Norway with other stakeholders in sustainable and smart tourism.

All intellectual outputs emphasized the importance of ethical and responsible values in tourism education, considering social, cultural, and environmental challenges.

Consult additional information about the project in the sections below:

Expected Impacts of the Project

Target Groups

Planned Activities

Intellectual Outputs

