INNOVATUR – Intellectual Outputs

The INNOVATUR project, concluded in January 2024, developed and delivered four intellectual outputs (IOs):

IO1: Sourcebook of Innovative Higher Education Approach towards Smart and Sustainable Tourism (SSmT)
IO2: A textbook on Introduction to Sustainable and Smart Tourism
IO3: A book of case studies in Sustainable and Smart Tourism
IO4: Analysis of collaborative approach between higher education institutions in the Czech Republic and in Norway with other stakeholders in the context of sustainable and smart tourism

All intellectual outputs explore the importance of ethical and responsible values in tourism education, considering social, cultural, and environmental challenges.

The chart below provides a brief description of each intellectual output and how they are interlinked. More detailed information is provided in the specific sections related to each IO.

Each of these intellectual outputs was developed by a group of assigned academic staff from the Prague University of Economics and Business (PUEB) and the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). The planned peer-learning activities addressed the topics covered in the intellectual outputs in a chronological manner, as presented in the flowchart below.

The second chart below presents how the peer-learning activities served as supporting activities for the development of the intellectual outputs.