INNOVATUR – Peer-learning Activities

INNOVATUR – Peer-learning Activities

The INNOVATUR project conducted a series of peer-learning activities (PLAs) that significantly contributed to the project’s success. These activities served multiple purposes:

  • Knowledge Exchange: Facilitated the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and best practices between PUEB and USN, enriching the understanding of sustainable and smart tourism.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Brought together diverse cultural, geographical, and academic perspectives, leading to innovative and holistic approaches to teaching and content creation.
  • Resource Sharing: Enabled the sharing of resources such as research materials, teaching tools, and faculty expertise, enhancing the quality of educational content.
  • Professional Development: Provided professional development opportunities for academic staff, helping them learn new teaching methods, gain insights into different research methodologies, and expand their academic networks.
  • Strengthening Partnerships: Strengthened the partnership between the two universities, leading to further joint initiatives, research projects, and student exchange programs.
  • Quality Assurance: Offered peer review and feedback from colleagues at another institution, ensuring high standards in educational content and teaching methods.
  • Incorporating Technology: Promoted the exchange of technological tools and digital teaching methods, preparing students for modern challenges in the tourism industry.
  • Addressing Real-world Challenges: Developed case studies, simulations, and projects that address real-world challenges in sustainable and smart tourism.
  • Building a Community: Fostered a sense of community among academic staff, leading to ongoing collaboration, support, and mentorship.
  • Enhancing Student Experience: Improved the learning experience for students through enriched content and innovative teaching methods.

Completed Peer-learning Activities:

  1. First PLA (March 28-29, 2023, PUEB, Prague, Czech Republic):
    • Focused on the development of two key intellectual outputs: the ‘Sourcebook of Innovative Higher Education Approach towards Smart and Sustainable Tourism (SSmT)’ and the ‘Textbook on Introduction to Sustainable and Smart Tourism’.
    • Achievements: Finalized curricular analysis, teaching techniques, and tools for sustainable and smart tourism, and advanced the textbook content.
  2. Second PLA (June 12-13, 2023, USN, Bø, Telemark, Norway):
    • Addressed all four Intellectual Outputs: Sourcebook, Textbook, Book of Case Studies, and Analysis of Collaborative Approach.
    • Achievements: Finalized innovative teaching methodologies, advanced textbook sections, developed practical case studies, and proposed frameworks for collaborative tourism development.
  3. Third PLA (November 6-8, 2023, USN, Bø, Telemark, Norway):
    • Originally planned for PUEB, held at USN.
    • Focus: Progress on Intellectual Output 2 and a seminar on sustainable tourism development in Telemark and the Czech Republic.
    • Achievements: Advanced discussions on sustainable tourism practices, integrated challenge-based learning, and engaged exchange students.
  4. Fourth PLA (December 13-15, 2023, PUEB, Prague, Czech Republic):
    • Initially planned for USN, held at PUEB.
    • Focus: Workshops on Sourcebook, Textbook, and collaborative approach analysis, including field trips and guest lectures.
    • Achievements: Enhanced project objectives through external insights and student feedback, contributing to the development plans and internationalization strategies of the participating institutions.

These PLAs played a crucial role in advancing the project’s intellectual outputs and fostering a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment, resulting in comprehensive resources to drive higher education in the field of sustainable and smart tourism.