Transnational Project Meetings

The project steering group, consisting of a project manager and representatives involved in the intellectual outputs, opted for monthly online meetings via Microsoft Teams throughout the project. This approach allowed for greater participation, often including additional academic staff members.

The kick-off meeting was held online in September 2022, as planned. It reviewed and endorsed the project objectives, intellectual outputs, activities, and program indicators. The meeting also defined the academic staff’s roles for each intellectual output and established expectations for their contributions.

Throughout the project, these online meetings facilitated a better understanding among academic staff regarding their contributions to the project and the modernization of teaching activities related to sustainable and smart tourism. Particular attention was given to Intellectual Output 4, aimed at fostering engagement between higher education institutions and external stakeholders such as municipalities, enterprises, civic associations, NGOs, and other entities in the tourism industry.

It was agreed that the textbook and the book of teaching case studies would be oriented mainly towards teaching undergraduate students. The intellectual outputs were generated in PDF format and implemented through collaborative platforms such as Microsoft Teams.

Although a physical TPM with USN staff traveling to Prague was planned, it did not occur due to scheduling conflicts and intensive academic commitments. Consequently, all TPMs were conducted online until the project’s conclusion, typically before and after the peer-learning activities and multiplier events.